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Compression Therapy in Patients With Orthostatic Hypotension a Systematic Review

Efficacy of treatments for orthostatic hypotension: a systematic review


11 Nov 2011


Background: orthostatic hypotension (OH) affects up to 30% of adults over 65 and frequently contributes to falls and syncopal episodes. Current guidelines suggest a wide range of treatments, but systematic reviews of the evidence base of operations for such recommendations are lacking.

Methods: nosotros performed a systematic review to assess the evidence for all non-pharmacological and pharmacological interventions for OH. Our search included the following databases: MEDLINE; EMBASE; CINAHL; and the Cochrane library. Nosotros searched gray literature and references from included studies and other reviews. Nosotros included randomised, placebo-controlled trials, which measured postural drop as an event. Study quality was assessed using pre-specified measures of bias.

Results: overall, 36 trials (21 interventions) were included. Nosotros identified a heterogeneous population and a wide diversity of study methods, precluding meta-assay. Most trials were of poor quality with high risk of bias. Changes in postural drop and symptoms were frequently inconsistent. Compression bandages, indomethacin, oxilofrine, potassium chloride and yohimbine improved the postural drib. Several vasoactive drugs—including midodrine and pyridostigmine—improved the standing blood pressure, but overall worsened the postural drop.

Conclusions: many commonly recommended interventions for OH accept a limited evidence base supporting their use. High quality, randomised, controlled trials are needed to underpin clinical practise for this condition.


Orthostatic hypotension (OH) is common, affecting up to xxx% of the general population over 65 [1], and upward to lxx% of people living in nursing homes [ 2]. The following consensus definition of OH was devised by the American Autonomic Society and the American Academy of Neurology, and subsequently endorsed by the European Federation of Autonomic Societies and the Earth Federation of Neurology: '…a sustained reduction of systolic blood pressure level of at least 20 mmHg or diastolic blood pressure of 10 mmHg within 3 min of standing or head-up tilt to at least 60° on a tilt table' [ 2]. OH is strongly associated with hypertension [ 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8], increasing historic period [ 3, 4, v, six, ix] and diabetes mellitus [ 5, 10] equally well as weather condition causing autonomic failure. In add-on to its unpleasant and disabling symptoms, OH is also associated with an increased incidence of cerebrovascular disease [ eleven, 12, 13], myocardial infarction [ eleven], coronary centre disease [ 3, 6, 13], eye failure [ 10], cardiovascular bloodshed [ 3], all crusade mortality [ 3, 9, xiii] and falls [ 8, eleven, xiv]. OH has been associated with cognitive impairment in at least one trial [ 15], but this association was less conclusive in two others [16, 17].

A wide range of non-pharmacological and pharmacological therapies have been used to treat OH. A number of review manufactures and guidelines have been published offering advice on the optimal management of this complicated condition [18, xix, xx, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26], merely rigorous, systematic reviews of the available evidence for treatment of OH are currently defective. Nosotros therefore undertook a systematic review of the efficacy of therapeutic options for managing OH, and set the following objectives: to systematically review the evidence for pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments of OH; to quantify the extent of reduction in blood pressure level fall by various treatments; and to assess the impact of treatments on standing time, orthostatic symptoms and functional power.


Search strategy and selection criteria

We used a pre-specified protocol, on the basis of recommendations set up out past the Cochrane Collaboration. The following criteria had to be met for a trial to be considered eligible for inclusion: trials had to be of a randomised, controlled design, and had to compare an intervention with placebo; and could be of either the parallel grouping or the crossover blueprint. Nosotros did non fix any language restrictions, but excluded studies involving astronauts and healthy volunteers. We excluded trials that concentrated on postal service-prandial hypotension and neurally mediated hypotension ('vasovagal syncope') as opposed to OH. We considered both pharmacological and non-pharmacological interventions.

Data source and written report search

We searched the following databases: MEDLINE; EMBASE; the Cumulative Alphabetize to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL); the Cochrane Library; Psychinfo; the British Nursing Index; and Current Controlled Trials website. We searched for articles published betwixt 1950 and February 2012. We searched for gray literature using Google, and manus-searched the reference lists of articles we identified, in addition to those in narrative review articles. We utilised the following search terms: [orthostatic hypotension OR postural hypotension] AND [randomised OR randomized OR placebo] AND [interventions as listed below].


The interventions examined were derived from previous narrative reviews of OH [18, nineteen, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], and included: fluid, hydration, water; salt, sodium chloride; bed tilt, elevating bed; counter manoeuvres/maneuvers; compression stocking/hose/bandage/garment, intestinal compression; antihypertensives (all available classes were listed); fludrocortisone; erythropoietin; sympathomimetics [midodrine, dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS, dl-DOPS), yohimbine, ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, dihydroergotamine]; acetylcholinesterase inhibition, pyridostigmine; selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor/SSRI; serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor/SNRI; vasopressin analogue; methylphenidate; dextroamphetamine; caffeine; dopamine receptor antagonist (metoclopramide, domperidone); and indomethacin.


The chief outcome measures of interest were change in office blood pressure (lying and standing/tilted systolic and diastolic claret pressure level, and postural drib) and change in orthostatic symptoms. We extracted data on continuing time, functional ability, adverse events and compliance. The following was also recorded: duration of study; source of funding; inclusion and exclusion criteria; sex; age; weight; crusade of OH; co-morbidities; medication; method for recording blood pressure; quality of life; functional condition; habitation place; dose, frequency and duration of intervention or placebo; participant period (numbers that were screened, eligible, assigned to each arm and completed the written report); and mortality data. The change in blood pressure and postural drop was calculated (if feasible) for studies not explicitly stating these outcomes.

Data extraction and quality cess

Information were entered onto a proforma to ensure consistent recording. The starting time 20 papers were analysed by both authors to ensure consistency, with the remainder analysed by ane writer. Foreign linguistic communication articles were translated prior to data extraction. Any discrepancies were resolved by consensus. Studies were also assessed for quality, concentrating on comparability of each arm, forcefulness of randomisation and allocation darkening, effectiveness of patient and staff blinding, detailing of withdrawals and strength of analysis (i.e. use of intention to treat). This was subsequently scored with the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) organisation, allowing an easily understood quality of prove 'rating' to be given for each intervention. Course initially allocates a 'loftier' quality score to randomised controlled trials, with the potential to 'step down' the quality of testify to 'medium', 'depression' or 'very low' (dependent on the force of evidence). The overall form should exist reduced by one level for each of the post-obit criteria constitute to be nowadays: serious limitations to study design; important inconsistency; indirectness of prove; imprecise or sparse data; and publication bias. If the limitations of study design are very serious then the quality of evidence may be downgraded by two steps [ 27].

Data analysis

Meta-assay could non be undertaken, due to the heterogeneity of participants, report designs, study interventions and reported outcome measures. Instead, results were grouped by intervention in descriptive course.


Trial pick and report demographics

The initial search strategy yielded 1,466 titles, from which 204 abstracts were identified equally potentially relevant. Papers that did not encounter the inclusion criteria were then excluded. The main reasons for exclusion were: lack of randomisation and placebo-control; subjects were salubrious volunteers or astronauts; or trials were concerned with the management of hypertension. Lxx-viii papers were then obtained and read in particular. Studies were eliminated if they were concerned with syncope for reasons other than OH, or if the lying and the standing claret pressure were non the focus of assessment. A full of 36 studies (37 papers) were finally included, examining 21 different interventions (Figure i). The results of i trial of yohimbine were published in 2 separate journals.

Figure i.

Trial selection flow diagram.

Trial selection flow diagram.

Figure one.

Trial selection flow diagram.

Trial pick menstruation diagram.

Overall, 1,268 patients were included. Their age range was 26–88 years, with a mean age of 58.viii (SD xiii.three) years. Twelve of the 36 studies involved subjects with a mean or median historic period of greater than 65 years, whereas but 4 studies involved patients with a mean or median age of greater than 75 years. Birthday, xi different populations were identified throughout the 36 studies, with 4 studies inadequately characterising the underlying crusade of OH. Fifteen of the 36 trials included a heterogeneous mix of patients, rather than concentrating on i specific illness process. In total, 32 different methods for recording postural drop were identified; variations were predominantly in the timing of the continuing claret pressure, with unclear timings in v studies. Viii studies utilised tilt-table testing. Xiv of the 36 trials used a single dose of therapy only, and in one trial the duration of treatment was unclear. Details are given in Table1.

Table 1.

Participant characteristics and study blueprint by therapy [28–64]

Author (year) n Study type Population Hateful age Sex (% 1000) BP recording Control Intervention Duration
 Belz et al. (1981) [28] 12 Crossover 'Orthostatic dizziness' 26 17 Tilt table testing Placebo Amezinium 30 mg Once-off
Camphor-crataegus berry combination (CCC); i drop = D-camphor ane mg and Crataegus berry extract 38.92 mg
 Belz et al. (2002) [29] 48 Crossover 'OH' (pooled information of two smaller trials) 26 69 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo twenty drops CCC 5 drops or 20 drops or 80 drops Once-off on sugar cube
 Kroll et al. (2005) [30] 38 Parallel group 'OH' 68 58 Fifty&South BP Placebo 25 drops TDS CCC 25 drops TDS ane/52 each
Clonidine or nitroglycerin
 Shibao et al. (2006) [31] 23 Crossover (incomplete) Chief autonomic failure (MSA/PAF) 66 78 L&S BP Placebo tablet or patch Clonidine 0.1 mg tab or Nitroglycerin mg/h patch Tab once-off Patch ten h
Compression bandages
 Podoleanu et al. (2006) [ 32] 21 Crossover Progressive OH (no symptoms first 3 min) 70 43 Tilt table testing Sham bandages (5 mmHg ankle and hip for 10 min. Abdo added last ten min) Active bandages (40–60 mmHg ankles and 30–40 mmHg hips for 10 min. xx–30 mmHg abdo added terminal 10 min) Once-off
Dihydroergotamine (DHE) and DHE Plus (with etilefrine)
 Lang (1976) [33] 40 Crossover 'Nursing home residents with OH' 59–88 ? L&S BP Placebo TDS DHE ii mg TDS 2/52 each
 Muth and Jansen (1980) [34] 42 Crossover 'Old persons' infirmary' 75 45 50&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE 2 mg and etilefrine 20 mg) TDS 2/52 placebo 8/52 DHE+
 Hamouz and Knaup (1983) [35] 30 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptic therapy 48 37 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE ii mg and etilefrine twenty mg) TDS 2/52 each
 Hoeldtke et al. (1986) [36] 8 Crossover OH due to DM/alcohol/idiopathic 52 50 L&S BP Placebo (sub-cut) DHE 6.5 mcg/kg or 13 mcg/kg (sub-cut) Once-off
 Thulesius and Berlin (1986) [37] 58 Parallel grouping Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 55 50 Fifty&South BP Placebo BD DHE 5 mg BD i/52 each
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS and dl-DOPS)
 Hoeldtke et al. (1984) [38] 6 Crossover 'Severe OH' (DM/idiopathic) 35–81 83 L&S BP Placebo dl-DOPS 600 mg or 800 mg Once-off
 Freeman et al. (1999) [39] 10 Crossover 'Astringent OH' (MSA/PAF) lx 70 Tilt table testing Placebo dl-DOPS 1,000 mg Once-off
 Akizawa et al. (2002) [40] 149 Parallel grouping Haemodialysis ×iii/calendar week 62 48 L&S BP post dialysis Placebo, xxx min pre-HD l-DOPS 200 mg or 400 mg, thirty min pre-Hard disk 4/52 each
 Iida et al. (2002) [41] 86 Parallel group Haemodialysis ×iii/week 60 51 50&S BP postal service dialysis Placebo, 30 min pre-Hard disk drive l-DOPS 400 mg 30 min pre-HD iv/52 each
 Kaufmann et al. (2003) [42] nineteen Crossover 'Severe OH' (MSA/PAF). All on fludrocortisone 64 79 L&South BP Placebo l-DOPS, variable, mean 1,137 mg One time-off
Fludrocortisone or norfenefrine
 Campbell et al. (1975) [43] 6 Crossover DM with autonomic neuropathy 52 100 Tilt table testing Placebo BD Fludrocortisone mg BD 3/52 each
 Volk and Stoll (1976) [44] xiii Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 37 46 L&S BP. Graded how pathological: 1 (non); ii (slightly); 3 (moderately); 4 (severely) Placebo 2 tab/day Fludrocortisone 0.iii mg/mean solar day for ane/52, then 0.2 mg/day for one/52 (2 tabs each time) or norfenefrine 30 mg/day (2 tabs) ii/52 each
 Rittig et al. (1991) [45] 7 Crossover Parkinsonism with OH 66 57 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo (4) Glypressin 5 mcg/kg or 7.five mcg/kg or 10 mcg/kg (4) Once-off
 Abate et al. (1979) [ 46] 12 Not clear Idiopathic Parkinsonism with OH 72 58 Not stated Placebo TDS Indomethacin fifty mg TDS Unclear
 Abate et al. (1980) [ 47] 22 ? crossover (not articulate) 'Dizziness/fainting due to OH' 76 68 L&S BP Placebo TDS Indomethacin l mg TDS 1/52 each
 Jankovic et al. (1993) [ 48] 97 Parallel group Autonomic failure, mixed causes. Modernistic-to-sev OH 61 55 L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 2.5 mg or v mg or 10 mg TDS iv/52 each
 Fouad-Tarazi et al. (1995) [ 49] 8 Crossover Ane MSA, 7 idiopathic. No response other therapy lx 50 L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine eight.four mg TDS (ephedrine arm) four/7 placebo 6–10/7 midodrine
 Depression and Vocalist (1997) [ fifty] 162 Parallel group MSA/PD/DM/PAF 59 fifty L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 10 mg TDS iii/52 each
 Wright et al. (1997) [ 51] 25 Crossover MSA/PD/DM/PAF 62 44 L&S BP Placebo Midodrine 2.v or 10 or 20 mg Once-off
 Bordet et al. (1995) [52] 9 Crossover MSA 71 33 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo Octreotide 100 mcg Once-off
 Pohl and Kriech (1991) [ 53] 59 Parallel grouping 'Orthostatic circulatory disorders' 43 31 L&Due south BP Placebo TDS Oxilofrine 32 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Sahul et al. (2004) [54] 6 Crossover Autonomic dysfunction (PD/MSA/PAF/DM) seventy 17 Tilt table testing Unpaced (wire in situ) Paced ninety or 110 bpm Once-off
 Cleophas et al. (1986) [55] 10 Crossover DM >twenty years. Demographics for eleven patients 55 63 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS Pindolol five mg TDS 1/52 each
 Dejgard and Hilsted (1988) [56] 8 Crossover T1DM with autonomic failure. 47 50 50&S BP Placebo TDS Pindolol 5 mg TDS 10/52 each
Potassium chloride (KCl)
 Heseltine et al. (1990) [ 57] 10 Crossover Idiopathic OH fourscore threescore Fifty&Due south BP Placebo 30 ml daily KCl 60 mmol (thirty ml) daily four/52 each
Pyridostigmine [NB: two arms with midodrine; yohimbine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported beneath]
 Singer et al. (2006) [ 58] 58 Crossover MSA/PAF/DM, autoimmune, unspecified 59 52 Fifty&Due south BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg, alone/with midodrine 2.5 or 5 mg Once-off
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Astringent OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg In one case-off
Sleeping head-upwards (SHU)
 Fan et al. (2011) [60] 100 Parallel group 'Symptomatic OH' 76 (Med) 44 Fifty&S BP Advice only SHU 5° (six in.) overnight and communication 6/52 each
 Leslie et al. (1991) [61] 11 Crossover IDDM, autonomic neuropathy 53 64 L&S BP Placebo BD Xamoterol 200 mg BD 4/52 each
Yohimbine [NB: pyridostigmine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported in a higher place]
 Des Lauriers et al. (1980), Lecrubier et al. (1981) [ 62, 63] 12 Parallel group (same data) Psych inpatient, on clomipramine >v days ? ? Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine 4 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Lacomblez et al. (1989) [ 64] 12 Crossover Psych inpatients, on clomipramine 2–seven days 44 25 L&S BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine 4 mg TDS iii days and 1 dose each
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Severe OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Yohimbine 5.4 mg Once-off
Author (year) northward Study type Population Mean age Sex activity (% M) BP recording Control Intervention Elapsing
 Belz et al. (1981) [28] 12 Crossover 'Orthostatic dizziness' 26 17 Tilt table testing Placebo Amezinium 30 mg In one case-off
Camphor-crataegus drupe combination (CCC); 1 drop = D-camphor 1 mg and Crataegus berry extract 38.92 mg
 Belz et al. (2002) [29] 48 Crossover 'OH' (pooled information of two smaller trials) 26 69 Tilt table testing Placebo 20 drops CCC 5 drops or xx drops or 80 drops Once-off on sugar cube
 Kroll et al. (2005) [30] 38 Parallel group 'OH' 68 58 L&Southward BP Placebo 25 drops TDS CCC 25 drops TDS ane/52 each
Clonidine or nitroglycerin
 Shibao et al. (2006) [31] 23 Crossover (incomplete) Primary autonomic failure (MSA/PAF) 66 78 L&S BP Placebo tablet or patch Clonidine 0.1 mg tab or Nitroglycerin 0.ane mg/h patch Tab one time-off Patch 10 h
Compression bandages
 Podoleanu et al. (2006) [ 32] 21 Crossover Progressive OH (no symptoms outset three min) 70 43 Tilt table testing Sham bandages (5 mmHg talocrural joint and hip for 10 min. Abdo added last 10 min) Agile bandages (twoscore–sixty mmHg ankles and 30–40 mmHg hips for ten min. twenty–30 mmHg abdo added concluding x min) Once-off
Dihydroergotamine (DHE) and DHE Plus (with etilefrine)
 Lang (1976) [33] 40 Crossover 'Nursing habitation residents with OH' 59–88 ? 50&S BP Placebo TDS DHE 2 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Muth and Jansen (1980) [34] 42 Crossover 'Old persons' hospital' 75 45 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE 2 mg and etilefrine 20 mg) TDS 2/52 placebo 8/52 DHE+
 Hamouz and Knaup (1983) [35] thirty Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptic therapy 48 37 L&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE two mg and etilefrine xx mg) TDS 2/52 each
 Hoeldtke et al. (1986) [36] viii Crossover OH due to DM/alcohol/idiopathic 52 50 50&S BP Placebo (sub-cut) DHE half dozen.5 mcg/kg or 13 mcg/kg (sub-cutting) One time-off
 Thulesius and Berlin (1986) [37] 58 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 55 50 Fifty&S BP Placebo BD DHE five mg BD 1/52 each
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS and dl-DOPS)
 Hoeldtke et al. (1984) [38] 6 Crossover 'Severe OH' (DM/idiopathic) 35–81 83 Fifty&S BP Placebo dl-DOPS 600 mg or 800 mg Once-off
 Freeman et al. (1999) [39] ten Crossover 'Severe OH' (MSA/PAF) 60 70 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo dl-DOPS 1,000 mg In one case-off
 Akizawa et al. (2002) [forty] 149 Parallel grouping Haemodialysis ×three/week 62 48 L&S BP post dialysis Placebo, 30 min pre-HD fifty-DOPS 200 mg or 400 mg, 30 min pre-Hard disk 4/52 each
 Iida et al. (2002) [41] 86 Parallel group Haemodialysis ×3/week sixty 51 L&South BP postal service dialysis Placebo, xxx min pre-Hard disk l-DOPS 400 mg 30 min pre-HD 4/52 each
 Kaufmann et al. (2003) [42] nineteen Crossover 'Severe OH' (MSA/PAF). All on fludrocortisone 64 79 L&S BP Placebo l-DOPS, variable, mean 1,137 mg One time-off
Fludrocortisone or norfenefrine
 Campbell et al. (1975) [43] 6 Crossover DM with autonomic neuropathy 52 100 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo BD Fludrocortisone 0.1 mg BD iii/52 each
 Volk and Stoll (1976) [44] 13 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 37 46 Fifty&S BP. Graded how pathological: 1 (non); 2 (slightly); 3 (moderately); 4 (severely) Placebo ii tab/solar day Fludrocortisone 0.3 mg/solar day for 1/52, then 0.2 mg/mean solar day for ane/52 (two tabs each time) or norfenefrine 30 mg/day (2 tabs) 2/52 each
 Rittig et al. (1991) [45] 7 Crossover Parkinsonism with OH 66 57 Tilt table testing Placebo (4) Glypressin 5 mcg/kg or vii.5 mcg/kg or 10 mcg/kg (4) Once-off
 Abate et al. (1979) [ 46] 12 Not clear Idiopathic Parkinsonism with OH 72 58 Non stated Placebo TDS Indomethacin 50 mg TDS Unclear
 Abate et al. (1980) [ 47] 22 ? crossover (not articulate) 'Dizziness/fainting due to OH' 76 68 L&S BP Placebo TDS Indomethacin 50 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Jankovic et al. (1993) [ 48] 97 Parallel grouping Autonomic failure, mixed causes. Mod-to-sev OH 61 55 L&Due south BP Placebo TDS Midodrine two.five mg or 5 mg or 10 mg TDS 4/52 each
 Fouad-Tarazi et al. (1995) [ 49] 8 Crossover I MSA, seven idiopathic. No response other therapy 60 50 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine viii.iv mg TDS (ephedrine arm) iv/7 placebo 6–10/vii midodrine
 Low and Singer (1997) [ 50] 162 Parallel group MSA/PD/DM/PAF 59 50 L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 10 mg TDS iii/52 each
 Wright et al. (1997) [ 51] 25 Crossover MSA/PD/DM/PAF 62 44 L&S BP Placebo Midodrine 2.5 or 10 or xx mg One time-off
 Bordet et al. (1995) [52] nine Crossover MSA 71 33 Tilt table testing Placebo Octreotide 100 mcg Once-off
 Pohl and Kriech (1991) [ 53] 59 Parallel group 'Orthostatic circulatory disorders' 43 31 L&S BP Placebo TDS Oxilofrine 32 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Sahul et al. (2004) [54] six Crossover Autonomic dysfunction (PD/MSA/PAF/DM) seventy 17 Tilt table testing Unpaced (wire in situ) Paced xc or 110 bpm Once-off
 Cleophas et al. (1986) [55] 10 Crossover DM >20 years. Demographics for xi patients 55 63 50&Due south BP Placebo TDS Pindolol 5 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Dejgard and Hilsted (1988) [56] eight Crossover T1DM with autonomic failure. 47 fifty L&Due south BP Placebo TDS Pindolol five mg TDS 10/52 each
Potassium chloride (KCl)
 Heseltine et al. (1990) [ 57] 10 Crossover Idiopathic OH 80 60 L&South BP Placebo 30 ml daily KCl threescore mmol (30 ml) daily 4/52 each
Pyridostigmine [NB: two arms with midodrine; yohimbine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported below]
 Singer et al. (2006) [ 58] 58 Crossover MSA/PAF/DM, autoimmune, unspecified 59 52 L&Southward BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg, lonely/with midodrine 2.five or 5 mg Once-off
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Severe OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg One time-off
Sleeping head-upward (SHU)
 Fan et al. (2011) [60] 100 Parallel group 'Symptomatic OH' 76 (Med) 44 L&S BP Advice but SHU 5° (half-dozen in.) overnight and advice 6/52 each
 Leslie et al. (1991) [61] 11 Crossover IDDM, autonomic neuropathy 53 64 L&Southward BP Placebo BD Xamoterol 200 mg BD 4/52 each
Yohimbine [NB: pyridostigmine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported higher up]
 Des Lauriers et al. (1980), Lecrubier et al. (1981) [ 62, 63] 12 Parallel group (same data) Psych inpatient, on clomipramine >v days ? ? 50&Southward BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine 4 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Lacomblez et al. (1989) [ 64] 12 Crossover Psych inpatients, on clomipramine 2–7 days 44 25 L&Southward BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine 4 mg TDS iii days and one dose each
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Astringent OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Yohimbine v.4 mg Once-off

L&S BP, lying and standing claret pressure level; OH; orthostatic hypotension; MSA, multiple system atrophy; PAF, pure autonomic failure; PD, Parkinson's disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; T1DM, blazon i diabetes mellitus; IDDM, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (distinction not always made between these 3); 1/7, i twenty-four hour period; two/52, 2 weeks.

Table 1.

Participant characteristics and study design by therapy [28–64]

Author (year) n Study type Population Hateful age Sex (% Chiliad) BP recording Command Intervention Duration
 Belz et al. (1981) [28] 12 Crossover 'Orthostatic dizziness' 26 17 Tilt table testing Placebo Amezinium thirty mg Once-off
Camphor-crataegus drupe combination (CCC); i drop = D-camphor 1 mg and Crataegus berry extract 38.92 mg
 Belz et al. (2002) [29] 48 Crossover 'OH' (pooled data of two smaller trials) 26 69 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo 20 drops CCC v drops or 20 drops or fourscore drops Once-off on saccharide cube
 Kroll et al. (2005) [30] 38 Parallel group 'OH' 68 58 L&Due south BP Placebo 25 drops TDS CCC 25 drops TDS one/52 each
Clonidine or nitroglycerin
 Shibao et al. (2006) [31] 23 Crossover (incomplete) Chief autonomic failure (MSA/PAF) 66 78 L&S BP Placebo tablet or patch Clonidine 0.i mg tab or Nitroglycerin 0.1 mg/h patch Tab one time-off Patch x h
Compression bandages
 Podoleanu et al. (2006) [ 32] 21 Crossover Progressive OH (no symptoms first iii min) lxx 43 Tilt table testing Sham bandages (five mmHg ankle and hip for 10 min. Abdo added final 10 min) Active bandages (40–60 mmHg ankles and 30–40 mmHg hips for x min. 20–xxx mmHg abdo added final x min) Once-off
Dihydroergotamine (DHE) and DHE Plus (with etilefrine)
 Lang (1976) [33] xl Crossover 'Nursing dwelling residents with OH' 59–88 ? L&Due south BP Placebo TDS DHE 2 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Muth and Jansen (1980) [34] 42 Crossover 'Old persons' hospital' 75 45 50&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE 2 mg and etilefrine 20 mg) TDS 2/52 placebo 8/52 DHE+
 Hamouz and Knaup (1983) [35] 30 Parallel grouping Psych inpatients, on neuroleptic therapy 48 37 L&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE ii mg and etilefrine 20 mg) TDS 2/52 each
 Hoeldtke et al. (1986) [36] 8 Crossover OH due to DM/alcohol/idiopathic 52 fifty L&S BP Placebo (sub-cut) DHE 6.v mcg/kg or 13 mcg/kg (sub-cut) One time-off
 Thulesius and Berlin (1986) [37] 58 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 55 50 L&S BP Placebo BD DHE 5 mg BD one/52 each
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS and dl-DOPS)
 Hoeldtke et al. (1984) [38] 6 Crossover 'Astringent OH' (DM/idiopathic) 35–81 83 Fifty&S BP Placebo dl-DOPS 600 mg or 800 mg In one case-off
 Freeman et al. (1999) [39] 10 Crossover 'Severe OH' (MSA/PAF) 60 70 Tilt table testing Placebo dl-DOPS 1,000 mg In one case-off
 Akizawa et al. (2002) [40] 149 Parallel group Haemodialysis ×3/week 62 48 L&S BP post dialysis Placebo, 30 min pre-Hard disk 50-DOPS 200 mg or 400 mg, 30 min pre-Hd 4/52 each
 Iida et al. (2002) [41] 86 Parallel group Haemodialysis ×3/week 60 51 L&S BP postal service dialysis Placebo, 30 min pre-HD l-DOPS 400 mg 30 min pre-Hard disk 4/52 each
 Kaufmann et al. (2003) [42] xix Crossover 'Severe OH' (MSA/PAF). All on fludrocortisone 64 79 Fifty&S BP Placebo 50-DOPS, variable, hateful 1,137 mg In one case-off
Fludrocortisone or norfenefrine
 Campbell et al. (1975) [43] half dozen Crossover DM with autonomic neuropathy 52 100 Tilt table testing Placebo BD Fludrocortisone 0.1 mg BD three/52 each
 Volk and Stoll (1976) [44] 13 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 37 46 L&S BP. Graded how pathological: 1 (non); 2 (slightly); iii (moderately); 4 (severely) Placebo two tab/day Fludrocortisone 0.3 mg/twenty-four hour period for ane/52, then 0.2 mg/twenty-four hour period for 1/52 (ii tabs each time) or norfenefrine 30 mg/day (two tabs) ii/52 each
 Rittig et al. (1991) [45] vii Crossover Parkinsonism with OH 66 57 Tilt table testing Placebo (IV) Glypressin v mcg/kg or 7.5 mcg/kg or 10 mcg/kg (4) Once-off
 Abate et al. (1979) [ 46] 12 Non articulate Idiopathic Parkinsonism with OH 72 58 Not stated Placebo TDS Indomethacin 50 mg TDS Unclear
 Abate et al. (1980) [ 47] 22 ? crossover (non articulate) 'Dizziness/fainting due to OH' 76 68 50&S BP Placebo TDS Indomethacin 50 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Jankovic et al. (1993) [ 48] 97 Parallel group Autonomic failure, mixed causes. Modern-to-sev OH 61 55 50&Due south BP Placebo TDS Midodrine ii.five mg or five mg or 10 mg TDS 4/52 each
 Fouad-Tarazi et al. (1995) [ 49] 8 Crossover I MSA, seven idiopathic. No response other therapy 60 50 L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 8.4 mg TDS (ephedrine arm) four/7 placebo six–x/7 midodrine
 Low and Singer (1997) [ 50] 162 Parallel group MSA/PD/DM/PAF 59 50 L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 10 mg TDS 3/52 each
 Wright et al. (1997) [ 51] 25 Crossover MSA/PD/DM/PAF 62 44 L&South BP Placebo Midodrine 2.5 or ten or 20 mg Once-off
 Bordet et al. (1995) [52] ix Crossover MSA 71 33 Tilt table testing Placebo Octreotide 100 mcg In one case-off
 Pohl and Kriech (1991) [ 53] 59 Parallel grouping 'Orthostatic circulatory disorders' 43 31 L&S BP Placebo TDS Oxilofrine 32 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Sahul et al. (2004) [54] 6 Crossover Autonomic dysfunction (PD/MSA/PAF/DM) 70 17 Tilt table testing Unpaced (wire in situ) Paced ninety or 110 bpm Once-off
 Cleophas et al. (1986) [55] ten Crossover DM >xx years. Demographics for eleven patients 55 63 50&S BP Placebo TDS Pindolol 5 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Dejgard and Hilsted (1988) [56] 8 Crossover T1DM with autonomic failure. 47 50 L&S BP Placebo TDS Pindolol 5 mg TDS x/52 each
Potassium chloride (KCl)
 Heseltine et al. (1990) [ 57] 10 Crossover Idiopathic OH 80 lx L&S BP Placebo 30 ml daily KCl 60 mmol (30 ml) daily four/52 each
Pyridostigmine [NB: two arms with midodrine; yohimbine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported beneath]
 Singer et al. (2006) [ 58] 58 Crossover MSA/PAF/DM, autoimmune, unspecified 59 52 Fifty&Due south BP Placebo Pyridostigmine lx mg, alone/with midodrine 2.5 or v mg In one case-off
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Astringent OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg In one case-off
Sleeping head-up (SHU)
 Fan et al. (2011) [sixty] 100 Parallel group 'Symptomatic OH' 76 (Med) 44 L&S BP Advice merely SHU 5° (6 in.) overnight and advice 6/52 each
 Leslie et al. (1991) [61] 11 Crossover IDDM, autonomic neuropathy 53 64 50&Due south BP Placebo BD Xamoterol 200 mg BD 4/52 each
Yohimbine [NB: pyridostigmine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported above]
 Des Lauriers et al. (1980), Lecrubier et al. (1981) [ 62, 63] 12 Parallel group (same data) Psych inpatient, on clomipramine >5 days ? ? 50&Southward BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine four mg TDS 1/52 each
 Lacomblez et al. (1989) [ 64] 12 Crossover Psych inpatients, on clomipramine two–7 days 44 25 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine iv mg TDS iii days and one dose each
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Severe OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and continuing BP Placebo Yohimbine 5.4 mg Once-off
Author (twelvemonth) n Study type Population Mean age Sex (% K) BP recording Control Intervention Duration
 Belz et al. (1981) [28] 12 Crossover 'Orthostatic dizziness' 26 17 Tilt table testing Placebo Amezinium 30 mg Once-off
Camphor-crataegus drupe combination (CCC); ane drop = D-camphor 1 mg and Crataegus berry extract 38.92 mg
 Belz et al. (2002) [29] 48 Crossover 'OH' (pooled information of ii smaller trials) 26 69 Tilt table testing Placebo 20 drops CCC 5 drops or xx drops or 80 drops Once-off on sugar cube
 Kroll et al. (2005) [xxx] 38 Parallel grouping 'OH' 68 58 L&S BP Placebo 25 drops TDS CCC 25 drops TDS 1/52 each
Clonidine or nitroglycerin
 Shibao et al. (2006) [31] 23 Crossover (incomplete) Chief autonomic failure (MSA/PAF) 66 78 L&Due south BP Placebo tablet or patch Clonidine 0.1 mg tab or Nitroglycerin 0.1 mg/h patch Tab once-off Patch ten h
Compression bandages
 Podoleanu et al. (2006) [ 32] 21 Crossover Progressive OH (no symptoms showtime 3 min) seventy 43 Tilt tabular array testing Sham bandages (5 mmHg ankle and hip for x min. Abdo added last 10 min) Active bandages (40–60 mmHg ankles and 30–40 mmHg hips for 10 min. 20–30 mmHg abdo added last x min) Once-off
Dihydroergotamine (DHE) and DHE Plus (with etilefrine)
 Lang (1976) [33] 40 Crossover 'Nursing home residents with OH' 59–88 ? L&S BP Placebo TDS DHE 2 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Muth and Jansen (1980) [34] 42 Crossover 'Old persons' hospital' 75 45 50&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE 2 mg and etilefrine xx mg) TDS 2/52 placebo 8/52 DHE+
 Hamouz and Knaup (1983) [35] 30 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptic therapy 48 37 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS DHE Plus (DHE 2 mg and etilefrine twenty mg) TDS two/52 each
 Hoeldtke et al. (1986) [36] 8 Crossover OH due to DM/alcohol/idiopathic 52 50 L&S BP Placebo (sub-cutting) DHE 6.5 mcg/kg or 13 mcg/kg (sub-cutting) Once-off
 Thulesius and Berlin (1986) [37] 58 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 55 50 L&S BP Placebo BD DHE 5 mg BD 1/52 each
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS and dl-DOPS)
 Hoeldtke et al. (1984) [38] 6 Crossover 'Severe OH' (DM/idiopathic) 35–81 83 Fifty&S BP Placebo dl-DOPS 600 mg or 800 mg Once-off
 Freeman et al. (1999) [39] x Crossover 'Astringent OH' (MSA/PAF) threescore seventy Tilt table testing Placebo dl-DOPS 1,000 mg Once-off
 Akizawa et al. (2002) [40] 149 Parallel grouping Haemodialysis ×3/week 62 48 L&S BP post dialysis Placebo, 30 min pre-HD fifty-DOPS 200 mg or 400 mg, thirty min pre-Hard disk drive 4/52 each
 Iida et al. (2002) [41] 86 Parallel grouping Haemodialysis ×3/calendar week sixty 51 L&Due south BP post dialysis Placebo, 30 min pre-Hard disk l-DOPS 400 mg xxx min pre-Hard disk drive 4/52 each
 Kaufmann et al. (2003) [42] 19 Crossover 'Severe OH' (MSA/PAF). All on fludrocortisone 64 79 50&Due south BP Placebo l-DOPS, variable, mean 1,137 mg Once-off
Fludrocortisone or norfenefrine
 Campbell et al. (1975) [43] 6 Crossover DM with autonomic neuropathy 52 100 Tilt tabular array testing Placebo BD Fludrocortisone 0.ane mg BD iii/52 each
 Volk and Stoll (1976) [44] 13 Parallel group Psych inpatients, on neuroleptics/tri-cyclics 37 46 L&S BP. Graded how pathological: ane (not); 2 (slightly); 3 (moderately); 4 (severely) Placebo 2 tab/mean solar day Fludrocortisone 0.iii mg/24-hour interval for 1/52, then 0.2 mg/solar day for i/52 (2 tabs each fourth dimension) or norfenefrine thirty mg/day (2 tabs) 2/52 each
 Rittig et al. (1991) [45] 7 Crossover Parkinsonism with OH 66 57 Tilt table testing Placebo (IV) Glypressin 5 mcg/kg or 7.5 mcg/kg or x mcg/kg (4) Once-off
 Abate et al. (1979) [ 46] 12 Not clear Idiopathic Parkinsonism with OH 72 58 Not stated Placebo TDS Indomethacin 50 mg TDS Unclear
 Allay et al. (1980) [ 47] 22 ? crossover (not clear) 'Dizziness/fainting due to OH' 76 68 L&S BP Placebo TDS Indomethacin 50 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Jankovic et al. (1993) [ 48] 97 Parallel group Autonomic failure, mixed causes. Modern-to-sev OH 61 55 L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 2.5 mg or five mg or 10 mg TDS 4/52 each
 Fouad-Tarazi et al. (1995) [ 49] eight Crossover One MSA, seven idiopathic. No response other therapy lx fifty L&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine 8.4 mg TDS (ephedrine arm) iv/seven placebo half dozen–10/vii midodrine
 Low and Vocalist (1997) [ 50] 162 Parallel group MSA/PD/DM/PAF 59 50 Fifty&S BP Placebo TDS Midodrine x mg TDS 3/52 each
 Wright et al. (1997) [ 51] 25 Crossover MSA/PD/DM/PAF 62 44 L&Southward BP Placebo Midodrine 2.5 or ten or 20 mg Once-off
 Bordet et al. (1995) [52] 9 Crossover MSA 71 33 Tilt table testing Placebo Octreotide 100 mcg Once-off
 Pohl and Kriech (1991) [ 53] 59 Parallel group 'Orthostatic circulatory disorders' 43 31 50&S BP Placebo TDS Oxilofrine 32 mg TDS 2/52 each
 Sahul et al. (2004) [54] 6 Crossover Autonomic dysfunction (PD/MSA/PAF/DM) 70 17 Tilt table testing Unpaced (wire in situ) Paced 90 or 110 bpm Once-off
 Cleophas et al. (1986) [55] x Crossover DM >20 years. Demographics for 11 patients 55 63 50&S BP Placebo TDS Pindolol 5 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Dejgard and Hilsted (1988) [56] eight Crossover T1DM with autonomic failure. 47 50 L&S BP Placebo TDS Pindolol five mg TDS 10/52 each
Potassium chloride (KCl)
 Heseltine et al. (1990) [ 57] 10 Crossover Idiopathic OH eighty threescore L&South BP Placebo 30 ml daily KCl sixty mmol (30 ml) daily 4/52 each
Pyridostigmine [NB: two arms with midodrine; yohimbine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported below]
 Vocalizer et al. (2006) [ 58] 58 Crossover MSA/PAF/DM, autoimmune, unspecified 59 52 L&S BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg, solitary/with midodrine 2.5 or 5 mg One time-off
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Astringent OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Pyridostigmine 60 mg Once-off
Sleeping head-up (SHU)
 Fan et al. (2011) [threescore] 100 Parallel group 'Symptomatic OH' 76 (Med) 44 L&S BP Advice only SHU 5° (6 in.) overnight and communication half-dozen/52 each
 Leslie et al. (1991) [61] 11 Crossover IDDM, autonomic neuropathy 53 64 L&S BP Placebo BD Xamoterol 200 mg BD four/52 each
Yohimbine [NB: pyridostigmine arm (Shibao et al., 2010) reported above]
 Des Lauriers et al. (1980), Lecrubier et al. (1981) [ 62, 63] 12 Parallel grouping (aforementioned data) Psych inpatient, on clomipramine >5 days ? ? L&S BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine 4 mg TDS 1/52 each
 Lacomblez et al. (1989) [ 64] 12 Crossover Psych inpatients, on clomipramine ii–vii days 44 25 50&Southward BP Placebo TDS Yohimbine 4 mg TDS 3 days and 1 dose each
 Shibao et al. (2010) [ 59] 31 Crossover 'Severe OH' (PD/MSA/PAF) 66 45 Sitting and standing BP Placebo Yohimbine 5.4 mg Once-off

L&S BP, lying and continuing blood pressure; OH; orthostatic hypotension; MSA, multiple system atrophy; PAF, pure autonomic failure; PD, Parkinson's disease; DM, diabetes mellitus; T1DM, type i diabetes mellitus; IDDM, insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (distinction non always made betwixt these iii); 1/7, ane twenty-four hour period; 2/52, 2 weeks.

Study quality

The quality of study blueprint and reporting was variable: randomisation artillery were well balanced in 22/36 (61%) of trials; randomisation was well-described in only 3/36 (8%) and stated in thirty/36 (83%) [with a gamble of disclosure in 5/30 (17%) of these]; patient blinding was effectively described in 12/36 (33%) of trials, and but stated in a farther 18/36 (50%); staff blinding was effectively described in just 5/36 (xiv%) of studies, and stated in a further 23/36 (64%); 13/36 (36%) of trials analysed data on an intention to care for basis, whereas 13/36 (36%) did non, and it was unclear in 10/36 (28%); 12/36 (33%) of studies detailed their withdrawals, whereas 20/36 (56%) fabricated no mention of withdrawals. Tabular array2 specifies the overall GRADE quality of evidence score for each intervention, and details how each score was reached.

Table ii.

Commentary on effect on postural drib and symptoms, comparing active arm to placebo arm [28 64]

Treatment Studies (n) Patients (n) Effect on postural drop (active versus placebo) Result on symptoms (active versus placebo) Class quality of evidence [ 27]
Amezinium [28] 1 12 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Camphor-crataegus berry compound (CCC) [29, thirty] two 86 No effect ? Very depression (**, ‡)
No effect Variable outcome
Clonidine [31] 1 23 Pocket-sized improvement ? Very low (**, §)
Compression bandages [ 32] 1 21 Significant improvement Pregnant comeback Very depression (**, §)
Dihydroergotamine (DHE/DHE Plus) [33–37] 5 178 Significant improvement Significant improvement Very depression (**, †, ‡, §)
Minor improvement Minor improvement
Modest improvement No effect
Insufficient data No upshot
No effect ?
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS/dl-DOPS) [38–42] 5 270 No effect/minor improvement ? Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
Minor comeback No effect
Bereft data Variable effect
No effect Minor improvement
No event ?
Fludrocortisone [43, 44] 2 19 Insufficient data ? Very low (*, ‡, §)
Bereft information ?
Glypressin [45] i 7 Worsened ? Very depression (**, §)
Indomethacin [ 46, 47] 2 34 Significant improvement ? Low (*, §)
Significant improvement ?
Midodrine [ 48–51] 4 292 Worsened Variable upshot Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
No effect Small improvement
No issue No effect
Worsened Variable effect
Nitroglycerine [31] 1 23 No result ? Very low (**, §)
Norfenefrine [44] 1 13 Insufficient data ? Low (*, §)
Octreotide [52] 1 9 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Oxilofrine [ 53] 1 59 Pregnant comeback Variable effect Moderate (*)
Pacing [54] 1 half dozen Insufficient information No effect Very low (**, §)
Pindolol [55, 56] two 18 Insufficient information Minor improvement Low (*, §)
No issue No effect
Potassium chloride [ 57] 1 10 Meaning comeback Significant improvement Low (*, §)
Pyridostigmine [ 58, 59] 2 89 Worsened ? Very low (**, †)
No effect Worsened
Sleeping head-upwards [lx] 1 100 Minor improvement No effect Moderate (*)
Xamoterol [61] 1 eleven Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Yohimbine [ 59, 62–64] three 55 Significant improvement Pocket-sized improvement Very low (**, †, ‡, §)
Pregnant comeback No event (both worsened)
Pocket-size improvement (only diastolic BP given) Small-scale comeback
Handling Studies (n) Patients (n) Effect on postural driblet (active versus placebo) Effect on symptoms (active versus placebo) GRADE quality of evidence [ 27]
Amezinium [28] 1 12 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Camphor-crataegus berry compound (CCC) [29, 30] ii 86 No consequence ? Very low (**, ‡)
No issue Variable issue
Clonidine [31] 1 23 Minor improvement ? Very low (**, §)
Pinch bandages [ 32] 1 21 Significant improvement Significant improvement Very low (**, §)
Dihydroergotamine (DHE/DHE Plus) [33–37] v 178 Significant improvement Significant improvement Very low (**, †, ‡, §)
Minor improvement Small-scale improvement
Minor improvement No consequence
Insufficient data No event
No issue ?
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS/dl-DOPS) [38–42] 5 270 No effect/pocket-size improvement ? Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
Small-scale comeback No outcome
Insufficient data Variable issue
No effect Minor improvement
No effect ?
Fludrocortisone [43, 44] 2 19 Insufficient information ? Very low (*, ‡, §)
Insufficient data ?
Glypressin [45] 1 seven Worsened ? Very low (**, §)
Indomethacin [ 46, 47] 2 34 Pregnant improvement ? Low (*, §)
Pregnant improvement ?
Midodrine [ 48–51] 4 292 Worsened Variable effect Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
No consequence Minor comeback
No event No effect
Worsened Variable upshot
Nitroglycerine [31] 1 23 No outcome ? Very low (**, §)
Norfenefrine [44] 1 thirteen Insufficient data ? Low (*, §)
Octreotide [52] 1 ix Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Oxilofrine [ 53] one 59 Significant improvement Variable event Moderate (*)
Pacing [54] 1 6 Insufficient data No effect Very low (**, §)
Pindolol [55, 56] 2 18 Bereft data Minor improvement Low (*, §)
No outcome No event
Potassium chloride [ 57] 1 ten Significant improvement Pregnant improvement Low (*, §)
Pyridostigmine [ 58, 59] 2 89 Worsened ? Very depression (**, †)
No effect Worsened
Sleeping head-up [60] 1 100 Pocket-sized improvement No upshot Moderate (*)
Xamoterol [61] 1 11 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Yohimbine [ 59, 62–64] iii 55 Pregnant improvement Pocket-size improvement Very depression (**, †, ‡, §)
Significant improvement No effect (both worsened)
Minor improvement (simply diastolic BP given) Pocket-size improvement

For the postural driblet: no consequence, inverse drib past −4 to +4 mmHg; minor comeback, reduced drop by five–ix mmHg; significant improvement, reduced drop past x mmHg or more; worsened, increased drib by 5 mmHg or more; insufficient data, baseline drib not bachelor. For symptoms statements are subjective assessments of how agile arm compared with the placebo arm. No mention of symptom change or inadequate data to comment recorded as '?'. GRADE cess: * serious written report limitations; ** very serious study limitations; inconsistent results; indirectness of testify; § imprecision. No bear witness of publication bias was identified.

Table 2.

Commentary on outcome on postural drop and symptoms, comparing active arm to placebo arm [28 64]

Treatment Studies (n) Patients (n) Effect on postural drop (active versus placebo) Effect on symptoms (active versus placebo) GRADE quality of evidence [ 27]
Amezinium [28] one 12 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Camphor-crataegus berry compound (CCC) [29, thirty] two 86 No effect ? Very depression (**, ‡)
No effect Variable effect
Clonidine [31] 1 23 Small improvement ? Very depression (**, §)
Compression bandages [ 32] 1 21 Significant improvement Meaning comeback Very low (**, §)
Dihydroergotamine (DHE/DHE Plus) [33–37] five 178 Significant improvement Pregnant improvement Very low (**, †, ‡, §)
Modest improvement Small-scale comeback
Minor improvement No effect
Insufficient information No effect
No result ?
Dihydroxyphenylserine (l-DOPS/dl-DOPS) [38–42] 5 270 No effect/minor improvement ? Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
Minor improvement No effect
Insufficient data Variable issue
No effect Minor comeback
No effect ?
Fludrocortisone [43, 44] 2 xix Insufficient data ? Very low (*, ‡, §)
Insufficient data ?
Glypressin [45] ane 7 Worsened ? Very depression (**, §)
Indomethacin [ 46, 47] two 34 Meaning comeback ? Low (*, §)
Significant improvement ?
Midodrine [ 48–51] 4 292 Worsened Variable outcome Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
No effect Minor comeback
No event No effect
Worsened Variable outcome
Nitroglycerine [31] i 23 No event ? Very low (**, §)
Norfenefrine [44] 1 thirteen Insufficient data ? Depression (*, §)
Octreotide [52] one nine Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Oxilofrine [ 53] 1 59 Significant comeback Variable consequence Moderate (*)
Pacing [54] 1 6 Insufficient data No effect Very depression (**, §)
Pindolol [55, 56] two 18 Insufficient data Pocket-sized comeback Depression (*, §)
No effect No consequence
Potassium chloride [ 57] i 10 Pregnant improvement Significant improvement Low (*, §)
Pyridostigmine [ 58, 59] ii 89 Worsened ? Very low (**, †)
No outcome Worsened
Sleeping head-up [threescore] 1 100 Modest comeback No result Moderate (*)
Xamoterol [61] 1 11 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Yohimbine [ 59, 62–64] 3 55 Significant comeback Minor comeback Very low (**, †, ‡, §)
Meaning comeback No effect (both worsened)
Minor improvement (only diastolic BP given) Minor improvement
Handling Studies (northward) Patients (n) Result on postural driblet (agile versus placebo) Effect on symptoms (active versus placebo) Course quality of evidence [ 27]
Amezinium [28] i 12 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Camphor-crataegus berry compound (CCC) [29, 30] two 86 No effect ? Very low (**, ‡)
No effect Variable effect
Clonidine [31] 1 23 Pocket-sized improvement ? Very depression (**, §)
Compression bandages [ 32] ane 21 Significant comeback Meaning improvement Very low (**, §)
Dihydroergotamine (DHE/DHE Plus) [33–37] 5 178 Meaning comeback Significant improvement Very depression (**, †, ‡, §)
Pocket-sized improvement Minor comeback
Minor improvement No upshot
Bereft data No effect
No effect ?
Dihydroxyphenylserine (fifty-DOPS/dl-DOPS) [38–42] five 270 No outcome/minor improvement ? Very low (*, †, ‡, §)
Minor comeback No issue
Bereft data Variable effect
No result Minor improvement
No effect ?
Fludrocortisone [43, 44] 2 19 Insufficient data ? Very low (*, ‡, §)
Insufficient information ?
Glypressin [45] 1 seven Worsened ? Very depression (**, §)
Indomethacin [ 46, 47] 2 34 Significant improvement ? Low (*, §)
Meaning improvement ?
Midodrine [ 48–51] 4 292 Worsened Variable result Very depression (*, †, ‡, §)
No event Small-scale improvement
No effect No issue
Worsened Variable effect
Nitroglycerine [31] 1 23 No effect ? Very low (**, §)
Norfenefrine [44] one 13 Insufficient data ? Low (*, §)
Octreotide [52] ane 9 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Oxilofrine [ 53] 1 59 Meaning improvement Variable consequence Moderate (*)
Pacing [54] 1 six Insufficient data No upshot Very low (**, §)
Pindolol [55, 56] 2 18 Insufficient data Modest improvement Low (*, §)
No effect No issue
Potassium chloride [ 57] 1 x Significant improvement Pregnant improvement Depression (*, §)
Pyridostigmine [ 58, 59] 2 89 Worsened ? Very low (**, †)
No effect Worsened
Sleeping head-upwards [60] 1 100 Pocket-size improvement No upshot Moderate (*)
Xamoterol [61] 1 11 Worsened ? Moderate (§)
Yohimbine [ 59, 62–64] iii 55 Meaning improvement Minor improvement Very low (**, †, ‡, §)
Pregnant improvement No effect (both worsened)
Minor improvement (only diastolic BP given) Modest improvement

For the postural drib: no effect, changed drop by −4 to +4 mmHg; minor comeback, reduced drop by v–9 mmHg; significant improvement, reduced driblet by 10 mmHg or more; worsened, increased driblet by five mmHg or more; insufficient data, baseline driblet not available. For symptoms statements are subjective assessments of how active arm compared with the placebo arm. No mention of symptom alter or inadequate information to comment recorded equally '?'. Class cess: * serious written report limitations; ** very serious report limitations; inconsistent results; indirectness of testify; § imprecision. No bear witness of publication bias was identified.

Effect on postural driblet

Details and specific figures for the event of each intervention on the lying and standing claret pressure, and the postural drop, are given in Supplementary data (Appendix one) available at Age and Ageing online. A single baseline value is given for two or more artillery in studies where private measurements were not available for each arm separately. The overall effect for each intervention is summarised in Tabular array2.

Clonidine and sleeping caput-upwardly produced minor improvements in the postural drop (although the postural drop with clonidine remained very large). The following therapies consistently produced an improvement in postural drop of greater than 10 mmHg: compression bandages; indomethacin; oxilofrine; potassium chloride; and yohimbine. Both midodrine and pyridostigmine displayed an inconsistent trend towards worsening of the postural drop. The following therapies consistently resulted in worsening of the postural drop: amezinium; glypressin; octreotide; and xamoterol. Those interventions that worsened the postural drop tended to do and so by raising the lying claret pressure level considerably more than the standing claret force per unit area, with the overall issue of widening the gap between the two.

It is important to acknowledge that many of the included trials are pocket-size in size and lack long-term follow-up data. With this in mind, it is difficult to depict potent positive conclusions nearly whatsoever of the interventions examined in this review.

Consequence on symptoms

A variety of methods for recording changes in participants' symptoms were used throughout the included trials, making comparison between interventions difficult. Specific details are given in Supplementary data (Appendix i) bachelor at Age and Ageing online. This information is also summarised in Table2. A total of fourteen trials either did not examine symptoms or did not publish responses for both arms. The following therapies had insufficient information to comment on their outcome on symptoms: fludrocortisone; indomethacin; glypressin; clonidine; nitroglycerine; amezinium; xamoterol; and octreotide. Neither pacing nor sleeping head-up had any impact on symptoms. There was an inconsistent trend towards improvement with the post-obit interventions: midodrine; dihydroxyphenylserine; dihydrergotamine; pindolol; oxilofrine; and camphor-crataegus berry compound. A pocket-sized improvement in symptoms was seen in two trials of yohimbine, although another reported worsening of symptoms in both arms. Both compression bandages and potassium chloride resulted in a meaning improvement in symptoms. I trial of pyridostigmine reported a worsening of symptoms with intervention, whereas another was unclear—the changes in symptoms were given at merely i h postal service-dose. No trials commented on functional ability and few used validated tools for assessing changes in quality of life.

Side effects and adverse events

The majority of studies (22 of the 36) either did not comment on side effects and adverse events, or commented on simply the active arm. The trials that did comment often gave results that conflicted with each other. Details are given in Supplementary data (Appendix 1) available at Age and Ageing online.


Key findings

This systematic review demonstrates that several common treatments for OH have not been examined in randomised, placebo-controlled trials. These include: drinking water; increasing salt intake; and discontinuing antihypertensives. In addition, a number of interventions that frequently appear in guidelines take either no issue on the postural fall in blood pressure, or even worsen the fall in blood force per unit area. Changes in postural fall in blood pressure (whether an improvement or deterioration) are ofttimes not associated with a corresponding change in symptoms. In that location are very few information on how treatments affect functional ability, and few trials examine quality of life.

Strengths and weaknesses

Equally with any systematic review, it is possible that non all relevant published or unpublished studies were identified by the search strategy. However, we were able to obtain all papers that were deemed advisable for the review, including those published in not-English languages (eight non-English language articles were included in the terminal review). The strength of our findings is express past small written report size, variable quality of written report design, and heterogeneity of participants, interventions and measured outcomes. Any positive results should therefore exist interpreted with caution, specially when information on symptom change, quality of life and functional power is lacking. The considerable age of many of the studies made it impractical for us to obtain further information not bachelor in the printed papers. Additionally, using results from trials of once-off intervention to influence routine clinical do is problematic, peculiarly in relation to symptoms. More than positively, we investigated a wide range of interventions, and did non exclude foreign language studies, thus assuasive us to capture as much of the available literature as possible. For this review, we accept concentrated on changes in the postural drib (given that this is the measure out used to make the diagnosis of OH), but it may be that other consequence measures are every bit valid; farther enquiry is needed to establish which measure best correlates with symptoms and quality of life in OH.

Study findings in context

The range of patient groups studied in the included papers confirms that OH is not a single affliction procedure, but rather a symptom or sign to be found in a diverseness of unlike illnesses and age groups. Few trials take concentrated on participants without autonomic failure, which may limit the generalisability of any results to the large number of sufferers who do not have autonomic failure, e.g. older adults with generalised vascular disease [ 20, 65, 66]. It may exist that these individuals require a different approach to managing their condition, and mayhap measures to improve cardiovascular health and role merit investigation.

This review should highlight to clinicians that many of the usually recommended therapeutic interventions for OH do non accept a large, high-quality bear witness base of operations to support their use. Additionally, the evidence base from which electric current guidelines are written is of poor quality. It may exist that doctors with an interest in looking afterward older people with OH would wish to re-evaluate their own practice in view of the findings of this review. Information technology is difficult for the authors to brand any strong recommendations in calorie-free of the findings of the review.

The paucity of big, high-quality RCTs confirms that OH remains very much an underinvestigated condition. We would recommend that clinicians who expect later patients with OH should actively try to enrol their patients in trials that seek to better understand the nature of this complex condition, and how best it should be managed.


There is a lack of good quality, randomised, placebo-controlled trials to requite firm guidance on how best to manage OH. Several unremarkably recommended treatments have not been subjected to rigorous investigation, and of those that have, some may actually worsen the postural fall in blood pressure level. There is also limited information on how therapies bear upon symptoms.

Large, well-designed, randomised, placebo-controlled trials that focus on changes in lying and standing blood pressure level, postural driblet, symptoms, quality of life and functional power are required. There is a need to establish whether currently accepted treatments are effective, too as testing novel approaches. Until this piece of work is undertaken, it remains unclear how best to treat those individuals affected past this complex and unpleasant condition.

  • Many trials of treatments for OH are of low quality and express clinical utility.

  • Several vasoactive interventions, as recommended by narrative review articles, may worsen the postural drop in blood force per unit area.

  • There is limited evidence on how treatments for OH bear on symptoms, functional power and quality of life.

  • Well-designed, randomised, placebo-controlled trials of treatments for OH (focusing on symptoms and quality of life) are needed.

Conflicts of involvement

None declared.


Dr Witham is funded by the Chief Scientist Function, Scottish Government as a Clinician Scientist.


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Supplementary data

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